Our Grand Winner …

The Winners ….

Our Finalists in action ….

Our Guest Performer –
Mark Menzies with Tim Emerson …

Winners Announced ….
The packed Aurora Centre was treated to 4 amazing performances last night by each of our Finalists accompanied by the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra. It was a very special evening being the 50th competition!
Please see link here for the results Winners – 50th National Concerto Final – 4.3.17 and here for the March Newsletter Concerto Newsletter – March 2017. More photos to follow shortly ….
National Concerto Competition Final – “Programme and Booklet”
January 2017 Newsletter …
Concerto Newsletter – January 2017 This newsletter has information regarding ticketing for the Final and a link to our Ticketek webpage for convenience.

Matthias Balzat (Auckland), Delvan Lin (Auckland), Siyu Sun (Christchurch) , Hye In Kim (Waikato)
The Semi-Finalists …

Some photos from the Semi-Finals … ALUMNI CONCERT!

December 2016 Newsletter …
concerto-newsletter-december-2016 Please see attached December 2016 Newsletter.
FINALISTS announced …
finalists-4th-march-2017 Many congratulations to the 4 Finalists announced tonight to play in the National Concerto 50th Competition Final on Saturday 4th March 2017, Aurora Centre Burnside High School at 7.00 p.m. More details will follow in the next few weeks ….. Also watch this page for photos of the Semi-Finals!
Semi-Finals – Special Awards announced …..
most-potential-winners Please see attached link for a list of the Special Awards announced at the Semi-Finals on Friday night.
Semi-Finalists announced …..
semi-finalists – Please see attached link for a list of the Semi-Finalists who will play on Friday 9th December 2016, at The Piano, 156 Armagh Street. There are 2 Semi-Final sessions: 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. and 7.00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m. Tickets are $25.00 All Day Pass – available at the door.
Recital by Martin Riseley …
We can now confirm at the end of the Semi-Finals on Friday 9th December 2016 (approximately 8.30 p.m.) “a Recital from Martin Riseley, a past National Concerto Competition winner will play works by Paganini, Lyell Cresswell and more …”
Alumni Concert details ….
alumni-concert-information Please see attached link for information about the Alumni Concert being held on Friday 9th December from 1.00 p.m. to 2.00 p.m. at The Piano, Centre for Music and the Arts, 156 Armagh Street. Just a reminder door sales only and cash – no eftpos facilities available!
November Newsletter is out now …
concerto-newsletter-november-2016 Please see attached link for the latest information on the Concerto Competition. It contains details on dates, venue, times and ticket pricing. Just a reminder door sales only and cash – no eftpos facilities available!
Rehearsal and Preliminary Schedules are available now!
rehearsalschedule Please see attached link for the Rehearsal Schedule.
national-concerto-preliminary-programme-2016 Please see attached link for the Preliminary Schedule.
Entry Form for 2016/2017 National Concerto 50th Competition
Please see attached entry-form-2016-2017 for the 2016/2017 Competition. Please note the Entry Form has been updated today (Thursday 22nd September 2016) and I have highlighted in yellow the areas that have changed. This is particularly important if you become a Finalists as the Rehearsal for the Final will be in Wellington on Monday 27th February 2017.
To celebrate our 50th competition we are having both a Piano and Instrumental competition. We have added in a paragraph in Rules and Conditions No. 4. It is regarding your choice of music. If you have any doubts as to the suitability of your choice, we recommend that you seek at an early stage the opinion of the Trustees before submitting you entry. If you have any questions or queries please contact the Secretary: secretary@musiccanterbury.co.nz.
Total Prize Pool: $30,150
First Prize: $10,000 for Piano; $10,000 for Instrumental
Second Prize: $3,000 for Piano; $3,000 for Instrumental
Grand Winner: $1,000 (Additional) plus the opportunity for a solo performance with the Christchurch Symphony Orchestra.
Welcome to the 2016-2017 National Concerto 50th Competition page!
This is a wonderful milestone for the competition and we are planning many celebrations! Over the last few weeks I have had some queries about the structure of the competition this year – it is going to be different so please read attached link for current information Competition Update for Website. Please note: some of this information could be subject to change as we are still in the planning stages!
The Entry Form will be available on this page on 1st July 2016. Entries will close on Friday 14th October 2016.