2024 Ruby Hay Scholarship Winners Announced …
The Ruby Hay Pianoforte Competition took on a new presentation this year. In the first instance contestants were to supply an online video of their performances and these were judged by Tom McGrath from the University of Otago School of Performing Arts. There was to be a Gala Concert on Saturday 14th September however as we only received two entries this was not required.
Our winner for 2024 is Miriam Brand and she wins the $1,000.00 prize and the runner up is Michael Khor winning the $200.00 Lois Mackintosh prize kindly sponsored by IRMT. Both Miriam and Michael will perform at the AGM on Friday 11th October 2024.
2024 Ruby Hay Pianoforte Scholarship is now open for entries …
The Scholarship is an annual award of $1,000 provided from the bequest of the late Miss Ruby Hay and is made to the entrant who is considered to be the worthiest as a result of a 30-minute competitive solo pianoforte recital. The Lois Mackintosh Prize of $200 is awarded to the runner-up provided there are four or more contestants.
Competitors must be students of members of a Canterbury Branch of the Institute of Registered Music Teachers of New Zealand (IRMT), or students of a tutor at the University of Canterbury. They must have lived in Canterbury for a period of not less than two years prior to the date fixed for the competitive recital, and must have attained the age of 15 years, but not have attained the age of 22 years at that time.
This year’s competition is taking on a new presentation. In the first instance all contestants will supply an online video of their performances, and these will be judged by Tom McGrath from the University of Otago School of Performing Arts. Tom will then select the three top contestants who will perform their music pieces at a Gala Final on Saturday 14th September 2024 at the Piano House, 283 Riccarton Road.
Please click on the links below for further information about the competition, entry form and submitting an online video:
RUBY HAY Official Entry Form 2024
RUBY HAY Conditions of entry 2024
RUBY HAY Guidelines for Submitting Performance Video
RUBY HAY History of Scholarship 2024
2023 Ruby Hay Scholarship Winners Announced …
The 40th Ruby Hay Pianoforte Competition was held on a Sunday 9th July 2023 at St Andrew’s College Chapel in Normans Road. It was a very wintery, wet afternoon but well worth coming out to hear the five young pianists performing to such a high standard. Cathy Martin (Adjudicator from IRMT) made comment of this in her presentation speech and gave each contestant very constructive and valuable feedback. Well done to everyone and congratulations to the winners!
The results are as follows:
First prize – Hannah Brand (Ruby Hay prize of $1,000.00)
Second prize – Polly Lee (Lois MacKintosh prize of $200.00)
Third prize – Richard Brown (prize of $100.00)
The Contestants …
Left to right: Richard Brown (Third prize), Cathy Martin (Adjudicator), Polly Lee (Second prize), Roy Zhang, Matthew Seinafo and Hannah Brand (First prize)
The Winners …
Left to right: Richard Brown (Third prize), Cathy Martin (Adjudicator), Polly Lee (Second prize) and Hannah Brand (First prize).
2023 Ruby Hay Pianoforte Scholarship is now open for entries …
The Scholarship is an annual award of $1,000 provided from the bequest of the late Miss Ruby Hay, and is made to the entrant who is considered to be the most worthy as a result of a 30-minute competitive solo pianoforte recital. The Lois Mackintosh Prize of $200 is awarded to the runner-up provided there are four or more contestants.
Competitors must be students of members of a Canterbury Branch of the Institute of Registered Music Teachers of New Zealand (IRMT), or students of a tutor at the University of Canterbury. They must have lived in Canterbury for a period of not less than two years prior to the date fixed for the competitive recital, and must have attained the age of 15 years, but not have attained the age of 22 years at that time.
This year’s competition is being held on Sunday 9th July 2023 at St Andrew’s College Chapel, Normans Road, Papanui at 3.00 p.m. Entries are now open and close on Monday 26th June 2023 at 5.00 p.m. The Adjudicator is Cathy Martin.
Downland Ruby Hay 2023 – Programme
Download RUBY HAY Official Entry Form 2023
Download RUBY HAY Conditions of entry 2023
Download RUBY HAY History of Scholarship 2023
Download Cathy Martin Adjudicator
2022 Ruby Hay Scholarship Winners Announced …
The Ruby Hay Pianoforte Competition was held on Wednesday 13th July 2022 at the The Merivale Lane Theatre, Rangi Ruru in front of an appreciative audience of friends and family. The five young pianists all played extremely well and Rachel Fuller (Adjudicator from Auckland) commented on this in her presentation speech. Well done to everyone and congratulations to the winners!
The results are as follows:
1st prize – Philip Brand (Ruby Hay prize of $1,000.00)
2nd prize – Hannah Brand (Lois MacKintosh prize of $200.00)
Highly Commended – James Caughley
The Contestants –
Left to right: Ike Dukie, Roy Zhang, Philip Brand (First prize), Hannah Brand (Second prize) and James Caughley (Highly commended)
The Winners –
Left to right: Philip Brand (First prize), Rachel Fuller (Adjudicator) and Hannah Brand (Second prize)
2020 Ruby Hay Scholarship Winners Announced …
The Ruby Hay Pianoforte Competition was held on Sunday 18th October 2020 at the UC School of Music Recital in front of an intimate audience of friends and family.
The Adjudicator was Mr John Van Buskirk (from Dunedin)
The results are as follows:
1st prize – Oscar Chin (Ruby Hay prize of $1,000.00)
2nd prize – Hannah Brand (Lois MacKintosh prize of $200.00)
Left to right: Hannah Brand (second prize); Mr John Van Buskirk (Adjudicator), Oscar Chin (first prize) and Lorraine Logan (Ruby Hay Convenor)
2019 Ruby Hay Scholarship Winners Announced …
The Ruby Hay Pianoforte Competition was held on Sunday 20th October 2019 at the UC School of Music Recital in front of an intimate audience of friends and family.
The Adjudicator was Mr Christopher Tilbury LRAM ARCM (Examiner for the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music)
The results are as follows:
1st prize – Dennis Yan (Ruby Hay prize of $1,000.00)
2nd prize – Hannah Brand (Lois MacKintosh prize of $200.00)
3rd prize – Katie Gluyas (prize of $100.00)

Left to right: Katie Gluyas (third prize); Mr Christopher Tilbury (Adjudicator); Hannah Brand (second prize) and Dennis Yan (first prize)
Please see attached document for previous Winners of the Scholarship and recipients of the Lois Mackintosh Prize.