Memorial Poster and Memorial Promo Please see attached links for information on the “Sir David Willcocks” Memorial Concert on Friday 18th December.
CBS Music – Messiah Poster and Promo
Messiah Promo and Poster Please see attached links for information on CBS Music Messiah on Sunday 13th December
Christchurch Harp Orchestra Concert
Harp orchestra red 2015 Please click on link for information regarding the Christchurch Harp Orchestra’s Concert
CBS Music “Messiah”
Promo Please see attached link with information regarding CBS Music “Messiah” on Sunday 13th December 2015, 2.00 p.m.
National Concerto Competition Preliminary Schedule
Preliminary Schedule Please see attached link for the National Concerto Competition Preliminary Schedule
CBS News – November 2015
15.11 CBS News Please see the latest newsletter from CBS Music
National Concerto Competition Rehearsal Schedule
Rehearsal Schedule Please see attached link for the National Concerto Competition Rehearsal Schedule
National Concerto Competition Newsletter
Concerto Newsletter – November 2015 Please see link to information about the National Concerto Competition Preliminaries and Semi Finals
Christopher’s Classics – “Voices New Zealand Chamber Choir”
CC Voices NZ mr Please see attached link for further information.
Woolston Brass and Family – Upcoming Concert
Woolston Brass & Family Poster Please see link for information about the Woolston Brass and Family Concert