Woolston 125 Poster Please see link for information regarding Woolston Brass “125 Celebration Concert”
Christchurch Harp Orchestra and Friends
Harp Orchestra Poster 2016 Sagrada 2 Please see attached link for the Christchurch Harp Orchestra and Friends upcoming concert on Wednesday 30th September 2016
Christchurch Choral Festival 2016
Promo 2016 Plan 2016 Festival Poster Please see attached links for information regarding the Christchurch Choral Festival 2016 being held on Saturday 3rd September 2016 at St Mary’s Pro Cathedral,…
Hymns ‘ n Brass Concert
CBS Music presents “Suite Sounds”
Poster and Promo for “Suite Sounds” which is being held on Friday 5th August 2016 at 5.3o p.m.
The Knox Singers and Christchurch Youth Chamber Orchestra present “Schubert In Spring 2016”
Knox August 16 Please see information about the “Schubert In Spring 2016” concert to be held on Sunday 28th August 2016 at 2.30 p.m.
Christchurch City Chorus of Sweet Adelines presents “Sweet As Vegas!”
CBS News – July 2016 Newsletter
CBS News July 2016 Please see attached link for the CBS Music latest Newsletter
National Concerto 50th Competition Poster and Flyers
NATIONAL_CONCERTO_COMPETITION_FLYER-Proof-2016-06-23 Please see link for National Concerto 50th Competition Flyer NATIONAL_CONCERTO_COMPETITION_POSTER – proof 2016-06-23 Please see link for National Concerto 50th Competition Poster
Ernest Empson Scholarship Winner Announced …
The Ernest Empson Scholarship Winner for 2016 is Joe Gorman. Please go to the Ernest Empson page for further details.