Seriously Brass 2017 Poster Please see attached link for details on Woolston Brass “Seriously Brass 2017” Concert on Friday 14th April 2017, 4pm to 6pm at Charles Luney Auditorium, St…
CBS Choir & Orchestra presents “J.S. Bach Cantata – Jesu, Joy and a little more Lenten Music”
Poster 17 and Promo 17 Please see attached information regarding CBS Choir & Orchestra “J.S. Bach Cantata – Jesu, Joy and a little more Lenten Music”
National Concerto Competition – March Newsletter
Concerto Newsletter – March 2017 Please see attached link for the National Concerto Competition – March Newsletter
50th National Concerto Competition Winners …..
The packed Aurora Centre was treated to 4 amazing performances last night by each of our Finalists accompanied by the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra. It was a very special evening…
National Concerto Competition Final – “Programme and Booklet”
Only a few days now until the National Concerto Competition Final – thank you to those who have already purchased tickets – there is still plenty of time and just…
CBS Music presents “Organ Plus”
Promo and Poster Please see attached link for information about CBS Music’s forthcoming “Organ Plus” series.
Concerts for Christchurch Foundation Trust – “Musical Mentors 2017”
Musical Mentors 2017 v2 Please see attached link for information about “Musical Mentors” Concert series for 2017.
CBS Music “Cathedral Foundation Day”
CBS Opening and CBS 2017 Please see attached links for information on CBS Music “Cathedral Foundation Day”
National Concerto Competition – January 2017 Newsletter
Concerto Newsletter – January 2017 This newsletter has information regarding ticketing to the National Concerto Competition Final and a link to our Ticketek webpage for convenience.
National Concerto Competition – Latest “Poster” and “Flyer”
concertocomp_flyer_final and concertocomp_poster_final Please see attached links for the latest Poster and Flyer