Festival Poster and Festival Promo Please see attached links for information regarding CBS Music “Christchurch Choral Festival”.
CBS Music presents “Wednesdays at One”
Wed at 1 Aug – Sept Please see attached link for further information about CBS Music “Wednesdays at One” Concert series.
Ruby Hay Pianoforte Scholarship is now open …
The Ruby Hay Pianoforte Scholarship is now open for applications. Please see attached http://musiccanterbury.co.nz/competitions/ruby-hay-pianoforte-scholarship/ for further information.
The Knox Singers present “A Spring Awakening”
Knox, A Spring Awakening Please see attached link for The Knox Singers “A Spring Awakening” Concert on Sunday 10th September 2017, 2.30 p.m. at Knox Church
Christchurch Liedertafel Male Voice Choir presents “To a Changing World”
“Strum, Strike and Blow” Music Festival – Wednesday 2nd August 2017
Poster Strum Strike Blow 2017-03-01-A3-Print Please see attached poster for information on the “Strum, Strike and Blow” Music Festival to be held on Wednesday 2nd August 2017, 7.00 p.m. at…
Woolston Brass presents “Winter Jazz”
Winter Jazz Poster Please see attached link for information on Woolston Brass “Winter Jazz” Concert on Sunday 30th July 2017, 3.00 p.m. at Charles Luney Auditorium, 12 Winchester Street, Merivale.
Concerts for Christchurch Foundation Trust present “Outstanding Young Musicians 2017” series
young musicians 2017 Please see attached link for information regarding the “Outstanding Young Musicians 2017” series held on a Tuesday from 12.10 p.m. to 12.50 p.m. at The Piano, 156…
“Young Stars Collide”Concert
young stars 2017-2 Please see information regarding “Young Stars Collide” Concert to be held on Sunday 6th August 2017, 2.30 p.m. at The Piano, 156 Armagh Street, Christchurch
IRMT – Vocal and Accompanying Masterclasses
Catrin Johnsson and Rachel Fuller pdf Please see attached Poster for information regarding IRMT’s Vocal and Accompanying Masterclass