CBS Choir and Orchestra presents “Harmonious Haydn” on Sunday 11th October 2020, 2.00 p.m. at St Mary’s Pro Cathedral, 373 Manchester Street, Christchurch Poster and Promo
Reminder – Ruby Hay Pianoforte Scholarship closing on Friday 2nd October 2020
Just a reminder entries for the Ruby Hay Pianoforte Scholarship will be closing on Friday 2nd October 2020. The competition is on Sunday 18th October 2020, 2.00 p.m. at the…
Schola Cantorum presents “East meets West”
Schola Cantorum presents “Easts meets West” on Sunday 11th October 2020, 2.00 p.m. at St Joseph’s Catholic Church, Telegraph Road, Darfield. Darfield Oct ’20 A4 Final
Seasoning Ensemble presents “Battalia”
Seasoning Ensemble presents “Battalia” on Saturday 15th August 2020, 7.30 p.m. at Knox Church
Friends of the Art Centre Newsletter
Please see below “Friends of the Arts Centre” latest Newsletter. newsletter # 19
CBS Choir and Orchestra presents “Beethoven 5th Symphony Choral Fantasy”
Fantasy Poster Fantasy Promo
National Concerto Competition is now open …..
Please see links below for the 2020/2021 National Concerto Competition: Poster NCC_POSTER_2020_21_A3 and Flyer NCC_FLYER_2020_21
CBS Music presents “Wednesdays at One – Concert Schedule: July to September 2020”
CBS Music presents “Wednesdays at One – Concert Schedule: July to September 2020” 20 Wed 7-9.
Concerts for Christchurch Foundation Trust presents “Lunchtime Series of Young Musicians”
Concerts for Christchurch Foundation Trust presents “Lunchtime Series of Young Musicians”. Please see below brochure for further details. Lunchtime Music 2020 email copy
Letter to Music Partner Organisations from RNZ