Waimakariri Community Arts Council presents “Jun Hong Loh and Tony Chen Lin”

Chamber Gallery, Rangiora Library 141 Percival Street, Rangiora, New Zealand

Jun Hong Loh & Tony Chen Lin Violin & Piano Recital Thursday 12th April 2018 at 7.30pm The Chamber Gallery, Rangiora Library, 141 Percival Street, Rangiora The two very talented prize-winning musicians,Tony Chen Lin, piano, and Jun Hong Loh, violin, play in the Chamber Gallery as part of their New Zealand-wide tour. Programme: Mozart /...

$10 – $30

Nut Point Centre presents “Emerge – New Artists New Work”

Nut Point Centre Cnr Old West Coast Road and Langdales Road, Christchurch, New Zealand

Nut Point Centre presents "Emerge - New Artists New Work" on Saturday 14th April 2018 from 4.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. A community art event celebrating emerging artists and showcasing their work.  Some of these students attend an art fundraising class that supports Artists Against Slavery, an anti-human trafficking organisation.  More details on this will...

Gold Coin

CBS Music presents “Wednesdays at One”

Catholic Pro-Cathedral 373 Manchester Street Christchurch Central, Christchurch, New Zealand

CBS Music presents "Wednesdays at One" with Oriana  on Wednesday 18th April 2018,  1.10 p.m. at St Mary's Pro-Cathedral, 373 Manchester Street, Christchurch.    Choral gems from the city's newest vocal ensemble Concerts begin at 1.10 p.m.  The Cathedral Cafe opens at 12.45 p.m. to provide delicious and good value food!  Enjoy a delicious light lunch from...

$5 – $10

Christopher’s Classics Series 2018 – Villani Piano Quartet

The Piano 156 Armagh Street, Christchurch, New Zealand

Christopher's Classics presents Villani Piano Quartet on Thursday 19th April 2018, 7.30 p.m. at The Piano, 156 Armagh Street, Christchurch Marko Pop Ristov (violin); Emma Dann (viola); Sarah Spence (cello); Flavio Villani (piano) Beethoven - Piano Quartet in E flat Major; Vasks - Piano Quartet (Preludio & Danze); Brahms - Piano Quartet in G Minor...

$15 – $40

Nut Point Centre presents “Young Music 2018”

Nut Point Centre Cnr Old West Coast Road and Langdales Road, Christchurch, New Zealand

Nut Point Centre presents "Young Music 2018" with Valeriy  & Iryna Maksymova on Saturday 21st April 2018, 2.00 p.m. Selected Piano and Violin Students 2018 Concert and Afternoon Tea = $15.00 per person To book: telephone 342 1033


Christchurch City Chorus & Quartets present “A Capella Champions on Show”

Charles Luney Auditorium, St Margaret's College 12 Winchester Street, Christchurch, New Zealand

"A Capella Champions on Show"  You are warmly invited to see our wonderful NZ premiere of contest package before we travel to the Regional contest for the 11th time in Michael Fowler Centre (Wellington) Christchurch City Chorus is the 10th-time Sweet Adeline New Zealand Regional champion. Support them before they travel to the Regional contest in May...

$10 – $25

Nut Point Centre presents “Canterbury Chamber Ensemble”

Nut Point Centre Cnr Old West Coast Road and Langdales Road, Christchurch, New Zealand

Nut Point Centre presents "Canterbury Chamber Ensemble" on Saturday 28th April 2018, 7.30 p.m. Carlo Ballara- Violin Anne Robinson - Viola Francis Yapp - Cello Carolyn Johnson - Piano Carolyn Johnson and Alison Holden - Piano duet Works by: Mozart, Dvorak, Brahms and Debussy Concert and light supper = $25.00 per person To book: telephone...


Great Hall Lunchtime Concert Series presents “Whekau Trio”

The Arts Centre Te Matatiki Toi Ora 2 Worcester Blvd, Christchurch, New Zealand

Great Hall Lunchtime Concert Series presents "Whekau Trio" on Monday 30th April 2018, 1.10 pm to 1.50 pm at The Great Hall, Arts Centre, 2 Worcester Blvd, Christchurch This unique and exciting trio combination of saxophone, bassoon and piano will perform works by local composer Philip Norman and a transcription of Astor Piazzolla's Four Seasons...

$5 – $15

Operatunity presents “Because You ASKED For It!”

La Vida Centre 34a Hansons Lane, Upper Riccarton, Christchurch, New Zealand

Operatunity presents "Because your ASKED For It" on Tuesday 1st May 2018, 11.00 a.m. at La Vida Centre, 34a Hansons Lane, Upper Riccarton, Christchurch. A request show with a difference!  We ask you to request what you want to hear in this show and be in the draw to win a trip to our Taranaki...