CBS Music presents “Hans Hielscher Organ Recital”

Catholic Pro-Cathedral 373 Manchester Street Christchurch Central, Christchurch

CBS Music presents "Hans Hielscher Organ Recital" on Friday 10th March 2017, 5.30 p.m. at St Mary's Pro Cathedral, 373 Manchester Street, Christchurch Further details to follow.

CBS Music presents “Organ Plus Series”

Catholic Pro-Cathedral 373 Manchester Street Christchurch Central, Christchurch

CBS Music presents "Organ Plus Series" on Friday 10th March 2017, 5.30 p.m. at St Mary's Pro Cathedral, 373 Manchester Street, Christchurch. The first concert in the series is by...

NZ Opera presents The Mikado

Isaac Theatre Royal 145 Gloucester Street, Christchurch

Filled with vibrant colour, sharp blades and even sharper wits, Gilbert & Sullivan’s comic masterpiece The Mikado is a treat for all ages and it’s coming to Auckland, Wellington and...