As you may know, we have been using an office and storage space for our music at Wigram (25 Harvard Ave) since 2013 when our space at the Music Centre in Barbados St was condemned and demolished. It is a property owned by the NZ Defence Force. Yesterday our choir manager Mandy had advice that the NZDF are revoking our lease with three months’ notice to vacate by 6 March 2022. It has been a very generous low cost offer that we benefitted from for nearly eight years, but we must now find another storage for scores and modest office space to serve our needs.
Our board is meeting before rehearsal tonight to start formulating a plan, but I’m sure you have seen other choirs in this position from time to time so, on the off chance, I just wanted to ask if you know of any possible moves that might be available.
We certainly have some work to do over Christmas and New Year. I have also contacted Rosemary at the NZCF. We have not contacted the CCC yet, but as a not-for-profit registered charity I’m sure we will have to look at that.
Any suggestions would be most welcome.
Kind regards
Phil Brazier
Board Chair
cc: Mandy Perry – Choir Manager