Who We Are – CCMC Executive

Christchurch Civic Music Council


Phil Mauger (Mayor of Christchurch)

Executive Members:
Email: secretary@musiccanterbury.co.nz

Michael O’Regan (President)

Carmel Brown (Secretary)

Cynthia King (Treasurer)

Jody KeehanChamber Music NZ

Lorraine Logan QSMFriends of the CSO

Denise Murfitt – Friends of the Arts Centre Trust

Celia Stewart MNZMChristchurch School of Music

Co-opted Members to Executive for One Year Term:

Judith Bell MNZM – Music Education (Canterbury)

Robert TaitApollo Musicum

Life Members:
Howard Harvey
Jean Rutherford QSM
Christina Sell-McLachlan
Wallace Woodley QSO