Dear Affiliates
At the Christchurch Civic Music Council AGM held in October the annual affiliation fees for 2024/2025 financial year were discussed. They are currently $50.00 (inclusive of GST) and have been for a number of years.
The meeting felt there could be an increase to cover the increasing costs that all organisations are facing at the moment.
It was concluded this was to be tabled at the next Executive meeting which was held on Thursday 21st November 2024.
At this meeting, after careful consideration, a motion was put to the meeting as below:
That the Affiliation Fees for the 2024/2025 financial year will be increased to $65.00 (including GST).
Moved: Michael O’Regan Seconded: Denise Murfitt Carried
The affiliation fee invoices will be organised with the Treasurer and sent out in due course.
Kind regards